Category Archives: Biomedical Applications

AGEING@WORK AR-based remote collaboration apps available now



The AGEING@WORK project — in which MultiMed Engineers is proud to participate — presents an Augmented Reality-based remote collaboration platform for worker assistance, as part of the development οf the whole AGEING@WORK solution. The platform consists of two communicating apps intended to be used by a remote guide (located e.g., at home) and an on-site worker and it enables users to communicate through their mobile devices in real-time, providing an enriched view of the physical workplace through shared visual annotations and digital information.
The apps are available for download on Google Play Store:

Ageing@Work 4th Newsletter issue

The 2nd year of Ageing@Work has come to its end and we hope that it finds you all healthy and safe under the COVID-19 crisis. Despite the various difficulties of the unprecedented times that we are living in, in this year the consortium partners have been working feverishly in many fronts in order to prepare the Ageing@Work platform for its first deployment in the pilot sites!

Source: Ageing@Work 4th Newsletter issue


Il progetto europeo GATEKEEPER sta svolgendo attività di ricerca, volte a migliorare la cura e la vita delle persone anziane affette da patologie croniche. Il progetto ha bisogno dell’aiuto di pazienti anziani (65 anni o più) affetti da patologie croniche e di professionisti sanitari che hanno in cura tali pazienti per compilare brevi questionari anonimi a questo indirizzo web:
L’indagine italiana è condotta dal Pilota Puglia del progetto GATEKEEPER ma è aperta a pazienti e professionisti provenienti da tutta Italia.
Grazie mille in anticipo a tutti coloro che vorranno aiutare questa ricerca.