Category Archives: mme

Towards a digital human “behaviorome”

MultiMed Engineers carried out research activities aimed to investigate the application of Data Analytics technology to the capture, analysis and interpretation of human behavior as a determinant of health. The expectation is that such effort would conduct to the definition of a digital human behaviorome that could greatly improve clinical research, by providing more informative features on people health conditions, linked to a modifiable determinant that can be used for improving health policies.

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HTA for oncology prognostic models

Cattura2MultiMed Engineers further applied its expertise in conducting HTA studies with the MAFEIP Tool, addressing the oncology domain. The health and economic effects of using the BD2Decide prognostic models in comparison with usual TNM staging, have been evaluated on the basis of the Project’s dataset, which includes several hundreds of Head & Neck Cancer cases. Four treatment escalation and de-escalation scenarios have been analysed.

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HTA shows City4Age approach as viable


Figure 3.

MultiMed Engineers conducted a Health Technology Assessment for evaluating the frailty prevention scheme based on the City4Age Project’s early detection system. The results show that City4Age dominates the current standard of care from the Healthcare point of view, and exhibits a very cost-effective ICER of 3,380 €/QALY from the Societal perspective, allowing to conclude that the City4Age approach is viable.

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