The GATEKEEPER newsletter is here

GATEKEEPER is an initiative funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme promoted by the European Commission. The main objective is to take full advantage of the potential of new technologies such as Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data to improve healthcare services…

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Aligning superhuman AI with human behaviour: chess as a model system | the morning paper

AI models can learn to perform some tasks to human or even super-human levels, but do they then perform those tasks in a human-like way? And does that even matter so long as the outcomes are good? If we’re going to hand everything over to AI and get out of the way, then maybe not. But where humans are still involved in task performance, supervision, or evaluation, then McIlroy-Young et al. make the case that this difference in approaches really does matter.

Source: Aligning superhuman AI with human behaviour: chess as a model system | the morning paper

A stretchy stick-on patch can take blood pressure readings from deep inside your body

The last time you had your blood pressure checked, it was probably at a doctor’s office with a bulky cuff wrapped around your arm. One day soon, perhaps, you will just need a simple stick-on patch on your neck, no bigger than a postage stamp. That’s the goal of Sheng Xu and his team at the…

Source: A stretchy stick-on patch can take blood pressure readings from deep inside your body

Now any business can access the same type of AI that powered AlphaGo

A startup called CogitAI has developed a platform that lets companies use reinforcement learning, the technique that gave AlphaGo mastery of the board game Go. Gaining experience: AlphaGo, an AI program developed by DeepMind, taught itself to play Go by practicing. It’s practically impossible for a programmer to manually code in the best strategies for winning. Instead, reinforcement…

Source: Now any business can access the same type of AI that powered AlphaGo