Partner MME, co-organized in cooperation with the Association of Medical Doctors of the Province of Parma a Workshop titled “Advancements in Quality-of-Life monitoring after oncology treatment”.
The Workshop has been organized as part of the national Continuing Medical Education program (ECM), assigning formative credits to Medical Doctors, thus leveraging BD4QoL results and contributing to train MDs towards the deployment and exploitation of new digital technologies investigated by BD4QoL and beyond.
The workshop agenda has been articulated into three interrelated parts:
- Dr. Simona Bui, from the University Hospital of Parma, discussed how QoL in oncological patients represents a kind of “fourth dimension” of the disease and how clinical pathways should be adapted to include it
- Prof. Stefano Cavalieri, from Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori di Milano and University of Milan, presented the BD4QoL RCT protocol, related to a multi-centric randomized study to monitor quality of life in patients treated for HNC, based on innovative digital technologies
- Eng. Franco Mercalli, from MultiMed Engineers, discussed digital technology solutions for supporting quality of life in long-term cancer survivors, focussing in particular on passive data monitoring and chatbot interventions
The event has been attended by 50 Medical Doctors, who completed the final evaluation questionnaire, as well as representatives from local medical associations, including the local chapter of LILT (Italian League of Fight Against Cancer).