The eyes have it.
Source: Google’s new AI algorithm predicts heart disease by looking at your eyes
The eyes have it.
Source: Google’s new AI algorithm predicts heart disease by looking at your eyes
Tech can be frustrating. The last thing one might expect is for that same tech to pick up on their emotions and engage with them differently as a result.
Source: Tech Is Becoming Emotionally Intelligent, and It’s Big Business
The shortage of qualified data scientists is often highlighted as one of the major handbrakes on the adoption of big data and AI. But a growing number of tools are putting these capabilities in the hands of non-experts, for better and for worse.
Source: The Democratization of AI Is Putting Powerful Tools in the Hands of Non-Experts
Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain and Internet of Things are the main digital transformation catalysts. Ahmed Banafa analyzes how they enrich each other.
Source: IoT, AI and Blockchain: Catalysts for Digital Transformation – OpenMind
Non esiste una funzione del Governo in grado di tradurre l’Agenda digitale in un insieme di progetti identificati da uno studio di fattibilità. Sarebbe utile creare una funzione organizzativa permanente, con elevate competenze e professionalità, che ne mantengna l’Architettura oltre la mera specificazione degli standard
Source: Italia digitale, servono studi di fattibilità per uscire dal pantano | Agenda Digitale