SRI wants to produce chatbots with deep knowledge of specific topics like banking and auto repair.
The HR Person at Your Next Job May Actually Be a Bot
Chatbots are being prepped to take over many administrative tasks.
Source: The HR Person at Your Next Job May Actually Be a Bot
APIs in Government
Application Programming Interfaces, or API, may allow developers in agencies and from outside government to build apps, widgets, websites, and other tools based on government information.
Source: APIs in Government
Meditation Apps, Nootropics, And Mood-Enhancing Wearables: 17 Startups Boosting The Brain
A few startups are focused on stress reduction and cognitive enhancement, but others on more serious problems like depression and nervous system diseases.
Source: Meditation Apps, Nootropics, And Mood-Enhancing Wearables: 17 Startups Boosting The Brain
L’assistente Alexa di Amazon si evolve e si prepara a riconoscere le nostre emozioni
L’assistente vocale di Amazon è pronto a crescere, diventando capace a sostenere piccole conversazioni e interpretandone anche il tono. Un modo per
Source: L’assistente Alexa di Amazon si evolve e si prepara a riconoscere le nostre emozioni