Manufacturers must learn to behave more like tech firms
Source: Machine learning | The Economist
Manufacturers must learn to behave more like tech firms
Source: Machine learning | The Economist
Four hundred years in the making, Ontario’s francophone history is now available to anyone in the world.
We’re all trying to make a name for ourselves. Although there’s no formula for becoming a thought leader in your field, there’s one way surefire way to get on the right path. And that’s to keep up with the latest and greatest trends in tech and business.
Source: 51 Best Tech Websites and Business Publications – The Muse
Bitcoin is the most popular virtual currency of the time. Do you already know how it works? What are the benefits and risks involved? Find out here.
If you’re tired of wearable fitness trackers fighting for space on your wrist, it might not be a problem in the near future: researchers say they can reliably measure your heart and breathing rates just by looking at data from a smartphone sitting in your pocket or bag. Researchers at MIT are working on a…
Source: Track Your Heart with Your Phone, Even If Your Phone’s in Your Bag